Saturday, July 25, 2020

SIPA Love Stories St. Pattys Day Intervention COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

SIPA Love Stories St. Pattys Day Intervention COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Heres our third  love story of the week. Its a little shorter, but just as sweet as the rest. Melissa and Brians SIPA love story: “Thirty years ago, Brian L. (SIPA ’81) and Melissa W. (Nursing ’83) met at an Irish Bar on St. Patrick’s Day. Melissa was originally on the way to the library to complete a paper when classmates intervened, saying “Oh no! This is New York, it is St. Patrick’s Day and you are coming with us to the parade first and then to meet a friend at an Irish Bar.” After the Fifth Avenue festivities, they headed to the Financial District for an evening of Irish folk songs, dinner and drink. The group met Brian and they sat at a large table with other revelers. As the crowd at the table became boisterous, Melissa turned to Brian to deflect unwanted attention. They now live in Branford, CT after raising two children.” Find the entire Love Stories collection in  Columbia Alumni Associations  Facebook album.